Download the Celebration Program.
Thanks to Julian and Christina Laffin for making the program.
Thanks to Sharalee Regehr for creating the slide presentation.
Thanks to Barbara Cruikshank for all her organising! Also for writing the Vancouver Sun obituary.
How To Have A Happy Marriage (updated) by Frank Howard.
We're Still Hot website (Archived).
Journey To Ireland Joane's audio account of her trip to Ireland.
Mothering Mothering was a radio play Joane wrote and produced for the CBC that documents her mother's Alzheimer's disease.
Joane Hornby Retrospective Video shot on Hornby Island (early 90s?) of Joane reading from her work including 'Mothering' and 'Menopositive'.
Joane Hornby Retrospective Audio only from above video.
Joane Interviews Albert Savoie 1972 Albert Savoie discussing his long life on the sea especially as builder and operator of Hornby’s early ferries.